Step Solo

This is for clients with post trauma symptoms who do not meet criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD according to the ITQ).

These clients, along with their therapist, will review the additional exclusion criteria to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for using this protocol. Eligibility will be assessed by the clinician with the assistance of the criteria outlined. Clients will compete a consent form prior to beginning the protocol.

Clients will then be granted a password to access STEP Solo. They will access the protocol via the internet link. When they arrive, they will do another quick screening measure for PTSD. If symptoms are too high, clients will be directed back to their therapist for advice on the next STEP.  If clients are eligible for STEP SOLO they will complete assessment measures pre and post intervention. There are additional points throughout this protocol where clients are monitored and further services are recommended if needed.

If STEP Solo is suitable ACCESS here.